Over the River and to the Wood's
To Nana and Papa's house we go.
Ella reacts after opening Miss Moo-Moo the Cow puppet show book.
My sister Lisa and brother-in-law Ben came up from Kentucky.
My other sister Ashley, with my neice Carley, left, and nephew Shane.
Posted by
The Wood Family
2:03 AM
Jump Around
We went to a holiday party at our friend Jenny, Jeff, Ethan and Carter Rauschert's. Ethan introduced Ella to his "Bee." She had some crazy fun bouncing with him in his inflatable jumper. So much fun that we scoped out a sale at Meijer and purchased Ella a last minute Christmas present.
Posted by
The Wood Family
12:42 AM
Wild Goose Chase
Angie searched around and found Dan a new home. Her brother Adam has a neighbor who has 22 geese. He keeps adults so they will mate and give him goslings. He says it will be a couple years before he is plumped up enough to have him as a Christmas goose. So I talked Brett and Jesse into coming over and helping me corral Dan to get him into a pickup truck. Dan should have a few good years of procreation before he heads to the chopping block.
Posted by
The Wood Family
12:46 AM
Ella sit on Aunt Stacey's lap, while getting a hug from Henry, at the Christmas party last weekend.
This was one of the only times Henry slowed down enough to get him in a picture.
Posted by
The Wood Family
10:21 PM
Turkey Mooch
While Papa Jim cut up the turkey this past weekend, Ella figured out that she could scavange a few tasty morsels. You know you guys can here her saying it, "More... More..."
Posted by
The Wood Family
9:08 PM
Family of Photographers
"Cheese! Cheese!" Ella says while holding the camera up to her face. Henry and Ella loved to pretend to take pictures like the adults during the Christmas party this past weekend. Really Ella just likes looking on the back of the camera for pictures. I'm not sure what Henry is doing :)
Posted by
The Wood Family
8:28 PM
Christmas Goose
This is Dan, the displaced Christmas Goose. He is our neighbor Mark's pet that use to hang near his pond with a gaggle of Canadian geese. They flew south for the winter and Dan moved into our yard. So when I filled the bird feader I wasn't really hoping for this type of bird watching. Mark says that he is lost now that his friends have moved on to warmer weather and would like to find a new home for Dan. Anyone up for a Christmas goose, he would go well with stuffing and greenbean casserole. Just kidding, but if anyone wants a new pet goose let me know.
Posted by
The Wood Family
7:43 PM
Pink Cadillac
She can't really reach the pedals but she sure looked cool in her new pink ride. She is either destined to star in a movie with Clint Eastwood, sing back up for Bruce Springsteen or sell Mary Kay products.
(now everyone, clap your hands to the beat)
"I love you for your pink Cadillac
Crushed velvet seats
Riding in the back
Oozing down the street"
"Now some folks say it's too big
And uses too much gas
Some folks say it's too old
And that it goes too fast
But my love is bigger than a Honda
It's bigger than a Subaru
Hey man there's only one thing
And one car that will do
Anyway we don't have to drive it
Honey we can park it out in back
And have a party in your pink Cadillac"
Posted by
The Wood Family
7:42 PM
The Twelve Days of Christmas
Today is the start of the 12 days of Christmas blog post. For the next 12 days you can visit our blog to get a Christmas edition of Wood Frames. (sing along here) On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love gave to me twelve packages of pork chops, eleven cousin, ten cell phones, nine-year-old Ali, eight silly sweatshirts, seven Christmas parties, six Stothards, five Thurms, four Cadillacs, three pregnant ladies, two papas and a goose named Dan.
Posted by
The Wood Family
1:27 AM
From birthday past
Like she always says, it's dangerous being friends with photographers. Well here is a birthday celebration from the past that I thought I would break out for this special occassion. Happy 31st birthday Kristy, and many more!
Posted by
The Wood Family
11:46 PM
Giving Tree: Chapter Two
So After Kristy called to let me know about the Northern Lights I waited to see how bright they were going to get. I decided to see how the Giving Tree out at Castor Road would look with the sky lit up. It is quite amazing what they look like from different perspectives as they fade in and out. Check out Kristy's new blog And so it goes and her photos of the lights.
Posted by
The Wood Family
1:21 AM
Aurora Borealis
More commonly called the Northern Lights made an appearance at the end of ol' 10 1/2 Mile. Well I guess it made an appearance all over the world. They came and went, but now are back again. Gotta go...
Posted by
The Wood Family
11:40 PM
Blog Wars
Hadley: My family blog is cooler than your family blog.
Ella: Nuh-uh, my family blog is cooler.
Decide for yourself, check out the Rumbach's new blog.
Posted by
The Wood Family
8:12 PM
Celebrating the Deuce
Ella celebrated her 2nd birthday with cake, a houseful of family and presents. Thanks to everyone that made her day special.
Posted by
The Wood Family
8:28 PM
Here comes Daddy Clause
Here comes Santa Claus!
Here comes Santa Claus!
Right down Santa Claus Lane!
Vixen and Blitzen and all his reindeer
are pulling on the reins.
Bells are ringing, children singing;
All is merry and bright.
Hang your stockings and say your prayers,
'Cause Santa Claus comes tonight.
Here comes Santa Claus!
Here comes Santa Claus!
Right down Santa Claus Lane!
He's got a bag that is filled with toys
for the boys and girls again.
Hear those sleigh bells jingle jangle,
What a beautiful sight.
Jump in bed, cover up your head,
'Cause Santa Claus comes tonight
Posted by
The Wood Family
9:14 PM
Tree Tradition
I guess one good thing came from Angie's flu episode on the plane ride to Jasper this past Thursday night. She was home for the weekend and we were able to head to Vander Sys Tree Farm in Weidman to hunt for the chosen conifer. For the past six years it has been a tradition for Lou, Jim, Angie and I (and now Ella) to go to the tree farm to pick out our Christmas Tree. We searched though the rows and rows of trees to find Jim and Lou's. Angie and I picked a three-foot potted Blue Spruce for our tree this year. Not as exciting as sawing, yelling timber, dragging, shaking the needles and all of that holiday jazz. However, we thought we could recycle a little Christmas joy. We plan to plant it and remembering our trees of Christmas past when we live on Castor Road.
On Comet ... On Cupid ... On Donner ... Look at the rack on Donner!
Our little snow princess wouldn't keep her royal mittens on. Her ladies in waiting warmed her hands up with all their hot air.
Posted by
The Wood Family
8:48 PM