
Stothard Softball

The pink ladies from the O'Laughlin (funeral home) softball team battled the Westown girls this past week. The team motto is "knock 'em dead" fitting because during "coach pitch" softball the teams pretty much bat around the lineup. Lets just say there are more hits then there are outs most innings.

My niece, Ali warms up in the on deck circle.

"Keep your eye on the ball," her mother/coach kept encouraging. Just for the record, she did.

Ali hustles down to third base.

My niece Carley, practices catching ground balls before the game.

The ball ran into Carley's bat a couple times.

After playing in the dirt as second, Carley gets a late start to third base.

What form, what grace ...

You can pick your teamates, your can pick your nose, but you can't pick your teamates noses (Is that how it goes).

When Nathan gets old enough the Stothards would have enough players to round out the infield.

Ah yes ... the best thing about playing organized softball, snack time.

1 comment:

ashley said...

Nice pictures. Thanks for coming out. Poor Carley,leave it to your uncle to have embarrassing evidence of you. She thought it was funny now, but wait till she is older...